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This web site is designed for the "Independent Traveller" and provides all the information you need to make your own holiday in Paxos. You may wish however, to leave arrangements to the Paxos Travel Agents listed above.

Useful Telephone Numbers

DOCTOR Costas 00 30 26620 32555 Mobile 697 783 7700
HEALTH CENTRE 00 30 26620 3146
CHEMIST Gaios Andreas Trifonas 00 30 26620 32200
DENTIST Gaios Please ask at the Chemist which is close to the dentist.
POLICE 00 30 26620 32222
PORT AUTHORITIES 00 30 26620 32259
CUSTOMS 00 30 26620 32005
COUNCIL OF PAXOS 00 30 26620 32100
TAX OFFICE 00 30 26620 32220
24 HOUR SEA TAXIS - GAIOS 00 30 26620 32444 or Mobile 693 223 2 072
24 HOUR SEA TAXIS - LAKKA 00 30 26620 31789 or Mobile 697 762 3033
The information contained in this Web Site is correct as far as it could be ascertained at the time of publication and does not, therefore, include any amendments or alterations which may be made subsequent to such publication. You are, therefore, advised when making enquiries to satisfy yourself as to any amendments or alterations which may affect your particular arrangements. Images are the Copyright of Rob Hadley (Indie Image)/Chris Snowden
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